
10.5m² P3.9-3.9 高透明フレームレス LED スクリーン、ヨーロッパに出荷

Why Choose HD Transparent LED Displays?

HD transparent LED displays offer a perfect balance between visibility and transparency. O-Clear Displays allow light to pass through while projecting high-definition visuals on glass surfaces, making them an ideal choice for businesses seeking to enhance their branding without sacrificing natural light.

1. Product Specifications

製品の種類: オークリア
ピクセルピッチ: 3.9-3.9mm
パネルサイズ: 1000x1000mm, and 500*1000mm frameless
パネル数量: 12pcs
輝度: 4500-5000nits
Package: wooden Case

2. Spare Parts for Long-Term Maintenance

Spare Module: 8pcs
予備電源: 1pcs
予備受信カード: 1pcs
Spare IC: 200pcs
Signal Line: 3pcs
予備のネジとワイヤー: 状況に応じて設定する
These spare parts ensure that our display system remains operational over time, minimizing downtime and enhancing the display’s lifecycle.

10.5m² p3.9 3.9高透明フレームレスLEDスクリーンヨーロッパに発送

3. Key Features of O-Clear HD Transparent LED Display

高い透明性: With up to 80% transparency, these displays allow for minimal obstruction while delivering crisp visuals.
軽量設計: Frameless, slim, and light, the panels can be seamlessly integrated into glass structures, ensuring aesthetic harmony.
高輝度: Ranging from 4500 to 5000 nits, our displays ensure clear visibility, even in direct sunlight.
Energy Efficient: Require minimal power, offering long-term cost savings for businesses.

4. Applications: Transforming Bank Entrances with Transparent LED Displays

The O-Clear HD Transparent LED Display was recently implemented in a renowned European bank’s entrance glass doors, setting an example for how this cutting-edge technology can elevate corporate spaces. The project involved over a year of collaboration, from the design phase to installation.

Project Overview:

Client: A prominent bank
Location: Entrance glass doors and windows
インストール: Screen 1: 1m (W) x 3m (H) / Screen 2: 2.5m (W) x 3m (H)
After a thorough assessment of our solution at the ISE 2024 event in Barcelona, the bank decided to proceed with our O-Clear HD Transparent LED Display, driven by its unparalleled transparency and lightweight nature. Our ability to tailor solutions to the client’s evolving needs cemented their trust in our team.

5. The Installation Process: From Design to Final Approval

The installation process for this high-end project was seamless, thanks to our ongoing collaboration with the bank’s design team. Starting with conceptual designs, we worked closely with their architects to provide a customized solution. After several rounds of revisions and approvals, the final decision was made, and the installation was carried out efficiently.
